Fondato nel 1998, lo studio Michael Tribus Architecture nasce con l'obiettivo di creare edifici che diano priorità alla sostenibilità, alla bellezza e alla funzionalità. Con un profondo apprezzamento per l'ambiente e un impegno per l'eccellenza, Michael Tribus ha fondato lo studio per dare vita alla sua passione per l'architettura e il design.

La prima Casa Passiva pubblica al mondo
Michael Tribus e il suo team di progettazione, giovane e altamente qualificato, hanno svolto un lavoro pionieristico, tra cui la ristrutturazione e l'espansione di EXPOST, un ex edificio postale statale, in un edificio amministrativo. Questo progetto ha segnato la prima ristrutturazione di un edificio pubblico a diventare una Casa Passiva certificata a livello mondiale.
Founded in 1998, Michael Tribus Architecture was established with a vision to create buildings that prioritize sustainability, beauty, and functionality. With a deep appreciation for the environment and a commitment to excellence, Michael Tribus founded the firm to bring his passion for architecture and design to life.
Founded in 1998, Michael Tribus Architecture was established with a vision to create buildings that prioritize sustainability, beauty, and functionality. With a deep appreciation for the environment and a commitment to excellence, Michael Tribus founded the firm to bring his passion for architecture and design to life.
Founded in 1998, Michael Tribus Architecture was established with a vision to create buildings that prioritize sustainability, beauty, and functionality. With a deep appreciation for the environment and a commitment to excellence, Michael Tribus founded the firm to bring his passion for architecture and design to life.
Today, our firm has grown into a dynamic and innovative team of architects and designers, all working together to create exceptional buildings that inspire and delight. We take pride in our work, and we are dedicated to creating buildings that not only meet our clients' needs but also have a positive impact on the environment and the communities we serve.
Il Team

Michael Tribus è nato il 27 gennaio 1967 a Merano e ha studiato architettura all'Università di Firenze dal 1986 al 1989. Ha poi proseguito gli studi presso l'Università Tecnica di Vienna e ha trascorso 6 mesi di studio in architettura presso l'Università di Glasgow, in Scozia, dal gennaio al luglio 1994. Ha conseguito la laurea a Vienna nel 1996 e l'abilitazione professionale a Venezia nel 1997. Il 4 agosto 1997 è stato iscritto all'albo degli architetti di Bolzano con il numero 684.
Tribus ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti per la sua attività di architetto. Nel 2002 ha ricevuto la Targa d'argento Luigi Cosenza per il progetto "Haus Bonvicini" e il premio per un mobile multifunzionale chiamato "Yin Yang - Every Coin Has Two Sides". Nel 2006, il suo progetto "Expost Bolzano" è stato selezionato per il Premio di Architettura Città di Oderzo e ha ricevuto anche un premio per l'ottimizzazione energetica nella ristrutturazione degli edifici.
Nel 2007, Tribus è stato premiato per la "Migliore CasaClima 2006" nella categoria ristrutturazioni. Nel 2010 ha vinto il primo premio di un concorso di idee per la realizzazione di un nuovo edificio per uffici della Provincia di Parma. Il Palazzo dell'Ambiente, dell'Agricoltura e dell'Innovazione, da lui progettato, è stato concepito secondo lo standard della Casa Passiva. Nel 2021 ha ricevuto il Passive House Award per il Centro di ricerca nel Sino-German-Ecopark di Qingdao, in Cina.
Dr. Arch. Michael Tribus
Fondatore e CEO

Michael Tribus was born on January 27th, 1967 in Meran, Italy and studied architecture at the University of Florence from 1986 to 1989. He then continued his studies at the Technical University of Vienna and spent 6 months studying architecture at the University in Glasgow, Scotland from January to July 1994. He received his university degree in Vienna in 1996 and his professional qualification in Venice in 1997. On August 4th, 1997, he was registered in the directory of architects in Bozen with the number 684.
Tribus has received numerous awards for his work as an architect. In 2002, he was awarded the Silver Targa Luigi Cosenza for his project "Haus Bonvicini" and also received the prize for a multifunctional piece of furniture called "Yin Yang - Every Coin Has Two Sides". In 2006, his project "Expost Bolzano" was selected for the Città di Oderzo Architecture Prize, and he also received an award for energy optimization in building renovation.
In 2007, Tribus was awarded for the "Best Climate House 2006" in the renovation category. In 2010, he won first prize in an ideas competition for the construction of a new office building for the Province of Parma. The Palazzo dell'Ambiente, dell'Agricoltura e dell'Innovazione, designed by him, was conceived in Passive House standard. In 2021, he was awarded the Passive House Award for the Research Center in the Sino-German-Ecopark in Qingdao, China.
Dr. Arch. Maria Pinamonti

Michael Tribus was born on January 27th, 1967 in Meran, Italy and studied architecture at the University of Florence from 1986 to 1989. He then continued his studies at the Technical University of Vienna and spent 6 months studying architecture at the University in Glasgow, Scotland from January to July 1994. He received his university degree in Vienna in 1996 and his professional qualification in Venice in 1997. On August 4th, 1997, he was registered in the directory of architects in Bozen with the number 684.
Tribus has received numerous awards for his work as an architect. In 2002, he was awarded the Silver Targa Luigi Cosenza for his project "Haus Bonvicini" and also received the prize for a multifunctional piece of furniture called "Yin Yang - Every Coin Has Two Sides". In 2006, his project "Expost Bolzano" was selected for the Città di Oderzo Architecture Prize, and he also received an award for energy optimization in building renovation.
In 2007, Tribus was awarded for the "Best Climate House 2006" in the renovation category. In 2010, he won first prize in an ideas competition for the construction of a new office building for the Province of Parma. The Palazzo dell'Ambiente, dell'Agricoltura e dell'Innovazione, designed by him, was conceived in Passive House standard. In 2021, he was awarded the Passive House Award for the Research Center in the Sino-German-Ecopark in Qingdao, China.
Dr. Arch. Sara Corridori

Michael Tribus was born on January 27th, 1967 in Meran, Italy and studied architecture at the University of Florence from 1986 to 1989. He then continued his studies at the Technical University of Vienna and spent 6 months studying architecture at the University in Glasgow, Scotland from January to July 1994. He received his university degree in Vienna in 1996 and his professional qualification in Venice in 1997. On August 4th, 1997, he was registered in the directory of architects in Bozen with the number 684.
Tribus has received numerous awards for his work as an architect. In 2002, he was awarded the Silver Targa Luigi Cosenza for his project "Haus Bonvicini" and also received the prize for a multifunctional piece of furniture called "Yin Yang - Every Coin Has Two Sides". In 2006, his project "Expost Bolzano" was selected for the Città di Oderzo Architecture Prize, and he also received an award for energy optimization in building renovation.
In 2007, Tribus was awarded for the "Best Climate House 2006" in the renovation category. In 2010, he won first prize in an ideas competition for the construction of a new office building for the Province of Parma. The Palazzo dell'Ambiente, dell'Agricoltura e dell'Innovazione, designed by him, was conceived in Passive House standard. In 2021, he was awarded the Passive House Award for the Research Center in the Sino-German-Ecopark in Qingdao, China.
Arch. Sofia Principi

Michael Tribus was born on January 27th, 1967 in Meran, Italy and studied architecture at the University of Florence from 1986 to 1989. He then continued his studies at the Technical University of Vienna and spent 6 months studying architecture at the University in Glasgow, Scotland from January to July 1994. He received his university degree in Vienna in 1996 and his professional qualification in Venice in 1997. On August 4th, 1997, he was registered in the directory of architects in Bozen with the number 684.
Tribus has received numerous awards for his work as an architect. In 2002, he was awarded the Silver Targa Luigi Cosenza for his project "Haus Bonvicini" and also received the prize for a multifunctional piece of furniture called "Yin Yang - Every Coin Has Two Sides". In 2006, his project "Expost Bolzano" was selected for the Città di Oderzo Architecture Prize, and he also received an award for energy optimization in building renovation.
In 2007, Tribus was awarded for the "Best Climate House 2006" in the renovation category. In 2010, he won first prize in an ideas competition for the construction of a new office building for the Province of Parma. The Palazzo dell'Ambiente, dell'Agricoltura e dell'Innovazione, designed by him, was conceived in Passive House standard. In 2021, he was awarded the Passive House Award for the Research Center in the Sino-German-Ecopark in Qingdao, China.
Tommaso Minafra
Perseguiamo valori molto specifici

Crediamo che ogni progetto abbia un carattere unico e che il nostro compito sia quello di dargli vita.
Le nostre case si adattano alle esigenze e alle preferenze dei nostri clienti, pur mantenendo le caratteristiche principali che definiscono la Michael Tribus Architecture.
La qualità non è solo un ideale, ma un concetto fondamentale che guida tutto ciò che facciamo.
Crediamo che la qualità non sia solo una misura del nostro lavoro, ma un'espressione della nostra passione per la creazione di case eccezionali.
Noi di Michael Tribus Architecture comprendiamo l'importanza della semplicità nei nostri progetti.
Crediamo che la semplicità sia l'ultima forma di raffinatezza e ci sforziamo di creare case eleganti, senza tempo e pratiche.
Grazie per aver dedicato del tempo alla scoperta di Michael Tribus Architecture.